June 30, 636

On June 30, 636, King Chinchilla (King Chintila) of Spain convoked the Fifth Council of Toledo. It was attended by twenty-two bishops and two episcopal representatives. The bishops of Narbonensis refused to attend for political reasons. King Chinchilla (KING CHINTILA) refused to provide those little cream cheese pastries that the bishops of Narbonensis found irresistible. (No, it was for political reasons. The Bishops didn’t want it to seem that they were favoring an earthly king.) The Council dealt with earthly and Kingly matters, which makes sense, since a King invoked it. The Church okayed a couple of things that Chinchilla (No, Chintila) wanted. One, the property justly acquired by the King belonged to him and his descendants. Attacking another country or king because the Church said he could counted as justly acquiring the property. Anathema was pronounced on those who molested or injured the King. Anathema meant a formal curse was issued against a person by the Pope or a council of the Church. (No, anathema means that a formal… Wait, that was correct. Or you trying to trick me?) Also anathema was issued against those who consulted with seers to know the future of the King, who cursed the King, or plotted or conspired to place another on the throne. Those who plotted or conspired to place another on the throne would also be excommunicated by the Church. (NO! Those who plotted or conspired would be… You ARE trying to trick me by not making stuff up.) The council did help the King in placing punishments against his dissenters, but it did not put an end to the internal intrigues. King Chintila (AHA, it’s Chinchilla! No, it’s Chintila… I hate you) continued to have to fight dissenters throughout his entire reign.

About Joel Byers

Born in North Georgia and educated at some very fine public institutions. Real education started after graduating from college and then getting married and raising two boys. Has the ability to see the funny and absurd in most things and will always remark on it, even if it means getting the stink-eye from his victims.
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