October 10, 2003

On October 10, 2003, Conservative hate-spewing talking head Rush Limbaugh announced that he was addicted to prescription painkillers and that he was going to check himself into a rehab center before he was turned in to the police for having multiple doctors writing multiple prescriptions. When asked how his addiction was any different than what a person addicted to meth or crack cocaine was and why he should go to a rehab center instead of jail, he replied, “Duh! I’m rich and white.”

I wish this were less true, but the so-called War on Drugs always seems to actually be a War on Poor People and Minorities Who Are on Drugs. It's 'funny' how addiction is supposedly a moral failure by the poor, but for the wealthy, it's just an indiscretion. Share Twisted-History, if the double standard annoys you as much as it does me.

About Joel Byers

Born in North Georgia and educated at some very fine public institutions. Real education started after graduating from college and then getting married and raising two boys. Has the ability to see the funny and absurd in most things and will always remark on it, even if it means getting the stink-eye from his victims.
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